Honors Chaos 101
Honors Chaos Email




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- Al - 2002-09-22: 10:14 PM- Whoops. Oh well. You'll get new comics sometime this week...-_-


- Hen - 2002-09-19: 9:21 PM - Comic's moving along nicely, story should be coming along very nicely now, and for the record, I hate Mason.


Honors Chaos 101 is hosted on Keenspace, a free web hosting and automation service for webcomics run by hearty and industrious people from lands yet unseen. The Characters and Story of HC101 is (c) 2002 to Al and Hen, while the graphics at this point (August 2002) are (c) to Blizzard, being from Warcraft III and all. We're making no money from this website, so please don't sue us for the money we don't have.